You may have heard people talking about unclaimed funds or missing money before. It’s been on a lot of tv shows and news programs lately, and it seems to be gaining popularity. So what, exactly are the unclaimed funds?

What Are Unclaimed Funds?

In general, when you hear people referring to unclaimed funds, they mean are money and assets whose rightful owner cannot be located.  They are often financial accounts of some sort that have been inactive for a certain period of time.

What Happens to These Unclaimed Funds?

Typically, once they have been classified as “unclaimed” these funds are turned over to the government after a certain length of time has passed. It can vary by state, but state laws require companies and financial institutions to transfer it to the designated state authority

Where Can I Find Unclaimed Funds?

The most popular place to start looking for unclaimed money is This site allows you to fill in your name and the state where you live and it will bring up any matches. A lot of states work with this site, although not all of them do. If you are in a state that does not partner with the site, you will need to go to the state directly to search for unclaimed funds. allows you to search by individual state, so that will be your best bet.

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How Do I Verify and Claim My Funds?

Once you’ve found unclaimed funds in your name, there are a variety of ways to verify and claim them. A lot of it is going to come down to who the funds are from. For example, if the unclaimed funds are from the IRS, they have a hotline you can call to verify and claim funds. You will most like have to go through the individual company the money is from if it’s not from a government agency. Make sure to follow the instructions on the site where you found the money, they will be your best bet. fffffffffffffff

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