There is a multitude of government assistance programs out there to help US citizens. Some of them are popular enough to be household names, other are ones you may have never heard of. One for the biggest demographics of people that tend to need help from the government are low income families. Fortunately, there are a variety of different programs out there that focus on assistance for these families in particular.

These government benefits cover a wide range of areas where people may need assistance. To name just some of the obstacles that these programs target:

  • Affordable Health Care
  • Affordable Housing
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Financial Assistance
  • Supporting a Family
  • Unemployment
  • And more

Health Sherpa has recently published a list of the Top Ten Government Programs For Low Income Families. Not only do they identify which programs were created for a certain issue, they also break down each of the top ten programs to give more information on the program itself, who could qualify, and how to apply for those particular benefits.

It’s an incredibly helpful article, and you can read it in its entirety here:

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